Luka Magnotta Montreal
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
The 2000 census did not count gay marriages directly, so the following are estimates based on how people reported their household. It counts households with 2 members of the same sex that are unrelated. 2010 census information on gay couples has not yet been compiled.
- Total Number of Gay Couples: 594,391
- Number of People in a Couple: 1.2 Million
- State With the Most Couples: California (92,138)
- State With the Least Couples: North Dakota (703)
- Highest Concentration of Gay Couple (% of all couples): Washington, D.C. (1.29%)
- Lowest Concentration of Gay Couples (% of all couples): North and South Dakota (.22%)
Gay people make up 1-4% of the population in most cities, but are more concentrated in metropolitan areas.
Most Same Sex Couples by City:
- New York, NY: 47,000
- Los Angeles, CA: 12,000
- Chicago, IL: 10,000
Statistics Source: 2000 Census.
- San Francisco, CA: 15.4%
- Seattle, WA: 12.9%
- Atlanta, GA: 12.8%
Statistics Source: 2000 Census.
Since I live in Florida, I want to add that Florida still doesn’t offer gay marriage or a state-wide domestic partnership registration. Check out my blog for more general information on Florida domestic partnerships.
Find the cure. Then talk.
And what makes any sense?
It says so in the declaration of independence- the unalienable rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, so these people have no right whatsoever to take the freedom of the pursuit of happiness from gays and lesbians. In addition, gay marriage doesn’t hurt anyone! It doesn’t kill anyone or make them feel unsafe, excepting homophobics. I would hope that the supreme court reads this and realizes they should do something about this.
I’ am also extreamly sickened by you because I’ m just as religios as you but I do not judge other nor do I proceed to not only shove my torah in your face but down your wind pipe to make you choke on it as well. So I’ d like to remind you that before you judge others not only should you research and learn more about the subject first but also look your self in the mirror and expect those who you judge to judge you in turn.
Where in the bible does it say, “homosexuals are going to hell?”
Not only that but NOWHERE in ANY bible does it talk about lesbianism. So tell me sir, is god only homophobic against gay men? Well you wouldn’t know so shut your jesus freak mouth and live and let live.
1. If God created everything with the ability to produce, then why do infertile females and males exist? And, if the sole purpose of marriage is to have couples produce children, then why do some couples never have or can’t have childre, and why are post-menapausal women allowed to remain married? They can no longer produce children, and they aren’t caring for their children as a provider anymore.
2. As long as you are quoting the Bible, how’s this: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” I Corinthians 13:4-8 NIV. Now, in my education, which was ten years of Christian education, mind you, I was taught that “love” could be replaced with “God.” How can a God that embodies everything good and decent and proper and, well, LOVING condemn someone on who they chose to love, someone that God enabled them to love. “So God created man in his own image…and he saw that it was very good.” Genesis 1:27, 31 NIV. Every human being came from Adam and Eve, and thus, every human being is created in God’s image, and they are good. How then can a homosexual man or woman be an “abomination” if they are in God’s image? Just like any heterosexual, a homosexual can cheat on his or her partner or have a life-long, committed relationship filled with love and respect. In the end, we are all just people, and we don’t have a right to judge others. Jesus said, “You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” Matthew 7:5 NIV.
As a Christian, I apologise for all the “hateful rhetoric”. I agree with you that this is unacceptable. I also agree with all the Scripture you’ve quoted. God loves EVERYONE unconditionally. When He created the world, everything WAS good. Unfortunately we’ve been degenerating ever since, and ALL of us are flawed. I am ashamed on behalf of those Christians who self-righteously shout down another person, when each of us is damaged. That is why God says “judge not, that you be not judged,” and “as you judge, so shall you be judged”. He is the only one who has all the facts on each individual and knows exactly how they tick. How we are now is not His ideal for any of us. This is why I have a “personal” and a “relational” view on homosexuality.
and u also have to realize
just because they love someone of the same sex does not mean they are in human
homosexuals, homophobes, homosapiens, we are really all homos in the end
so u can do one of two things
accept your fellow human as they are
or stay out of their life
its not ur right to be nosy and get into ones life and tell them who they can and/or can not love
Anyway, people have been quoting biblical text to prove their points forever [my favorite two examples being Satin and Hitler].
The Bible also says don’t wear cloths of mixed fibers, touch pig skin, cut your hair, and that rape is acceptable as long as the rapist pays the woman’s father some silver pieces.
Just saying – it’s far too easy to manipulate the words in the Bible for whatever you want to prove.
Most of your statements from the Bible are taking out of context or are misinterpreted. All of those dumb rules you posted from the Bible, were of Mosaic Law which doesn’t apply anymore now that Jesus has come to save the world. There is a difference between the Mosaic Law, and the eternal laws of God. It is clearly an abomination (as it is written) according to the Bible. However, to someone who doesn’t believe in the word of God, there is no use quoting the Bible, but rather showing them their general sins and their need for a savior.
Also, a point to think about. Should we all just do something if it feels right or feels good? And should we all just assume something is ok if enough humans decide it is? Who decides what is right or wrong?
What happened with religion freedom and basic human rights????
God for the stupidity of man, God is LOVE , God loves you , and he desperately wants to have a relationship with all of us, after all ,he created ALL of us.
would imagine if all world is gay now what will happen think about it, then jesus what will say will he approve it, i dont think,
another one thing, if homo is a normal thing why god just created adam and eve and got married, why god didn;t create like joe and jade and got married its a complex creation system we cannot know the results it now, and do u see that from the begining of the world, the gay movement is spreading, not becuase they are right but we are dealing with our selves wrong and with lall life
I’m not gay or anything, but I believe that you should be able to love who ever you want too, which means marry who ever you want to man-man marriage, woman-woman marriage, or man-woman marriage. God don’t judge people, and you shouldn’t either. This world is changing like it or not. I believe in God, but this bible nosense needs to stop. Just cause they are gay, don’t make them any different of a person. It don’t change who they are. Why don’t you get to no someone who is gay? Find out who they are before you judge them. Because, most likely you no someone who is, they are just to afraid to come out to tell you. I respect all you people who are gay and were strong enough to come out and tell everyone that you were gay. Your helping change this world one person at a time. Because, once I did believe it was wrong. Then, I found out that my sister was gay. I chose to stick by her, because I love her no matter what and alway will. That’s why I support the gay community.