Saturday, April 7, 2012

Luka Magnotta Montreal

                                                             Luka Magnotta Montreal

                                                             Luka Magnotta Montreal

                                                              Luka Magnotta

                                                                 Luka Magnotta

Luka Magnotta



The 2000  census did not count gay marriages directly, so the following are estimates based on how people reported their household. It counts households with 2 members of the same sex that are unrelated. 2010 census information on gay couples has not yet been compiled.
  • Total Number of Gay Couples: 594,391
  • Number of People in a Couple: 1.2 Million
  • State With the Most Couples: California (92,138)
  • State With the Least Couples: North Dakota (703)
  • Highest Concentration of Gay Couple (% of all couples): Washington, D.C. (1.29%)
  • Lowest Concentration of Gay Couples (% of all couples): North and South Dakota (.22%)
Gay people make up 1-4% of the population in most cities, but are more concentrated in metropolitan areas.
Most Same Sex Couples by City:
  1. New York, NY: 47,000
  2. Los Angeles, CA: 12,000
  3. Chicago, IL: 10,000
Statistics Source: 2000 Census.


  1. San Francisco, CA: 15.4%
  2. Seattle, WA: 12.9%
  3. Atlanta, GA: 12.8%
Statistics Source: 2000 Census.


Since I live in Florida, I want to add that Florida still doesn’t offer gay marriage or a state-wide domestic partnership registration. Check out my blog for more general information on Florida domestic partnerships.

1BA January 10, 2011 at 3:25 pm
Maryland’s attorney general issued an opinion in 2010 saying the state could also recognize gay marriages from other jurisdictions. Add MD to the list!
2Dre October 28, 2011 at 6:31 pm
Homosexuality is a mental disorder. What makes sense about putting a Penis into a hole meant for fecal matter, and then the other gender is left without any Penis, just plastic objects that are shaped like Penis’
3Kirsten November 5, 2011 at 4:09 am
If its a mental disorder, go find proof, and if you can’t find proof.
Find the cure. Then talk.
And what makes any sense?
4Ryan November 9, 2011 at 9:01 pm
Homosexuality is a mental disorder? Join a UCC O&A church buddy. I’m gay and don’t have a “mental disorder” Get your facts straight. It’s the way you are. Just like you have brown eyes or blonde hair, people are gay and bi. Stop being homophobic.
5RAYMOND December 9, 2011 at 3:04 am
6AlphaOmegaINRI March 15, 2012 at 8:11 pm
>Raymond. The Catholic church has done nothing but get caught with there robes around there ankles. I am not gay personally but I do believe that being gay is NOT a choice or a Mental disorder. I believe people are born gay just like your born a male or female. The last thing anyone should say is that gays are BAD and that the Catholic church is good. Just follow the Cardinals trails of candy and see if that candy is all you get put in your mouth.,…
7kayleigh March 26, 2012 at 8:09 pm
ALL people that have a problem with homosexuality should take a look at thereselves first. In the bible it states ” god has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings” (Acts 17:26) meaning we are all descendants of adam and that were all created by the hand of god.
8AP November 10, 2011 at 7:33 pm
If “putting a penis into a hole meant for fecal matter” doesn’t make sense to you ask one of your “straight” male friends or even females why they enjoy partaking in that activity during sex. If most people would answer honestly when asked about sex envolving the anus you’d find it is just as common for homosexuals as it is for straight people.
I would suggest you research this topic or very well any topic before making such a bold comment or opinion. If something in a calculus class doesnt make sense to you, does that make it wrong? or does it make you and idiot? Apply yourself to actually learning about something before labeling it, or you’ll find yourself labelled just as easily.
It is apparent to me that you have very little knowledge about this topic, and that is why your argument lacks in meaning and comes from something that has very little to do with being homosexual.
I would almost rather listen to someone argue about being gay and how its wrong in the bible because they at least have something to say with a little substance, or something that at least took some thought.
Even still i dont agree that either of the reasonings, be it the technicalities of intercourse or an interpretation of a book, are a true arguement for the way someone feels about another person.
Can you help it that you are atracted to the opposite sex? can you turn that natural feeling off? Until the day comes when you can honestly answer yes to those questions, please do not judge that of which you do not understand, or know anything about.
9Deanne December 1, 2011 at 4:44 pm
I agree fully with you!!!! You go AP
10Samira December 13, 2011 at 2:49 pm
11GL February 21, 2012 at 10:22 am
I love this! I am not homosexual but i totally argee.
12Cat Chase November 13, 2011 at 10:19 pm
You disgust me. It is not a mental disorder, nor shall it ever be. It is a freedom.
It says so in the declaration of independence- the unalienable rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, so these people have no right whatsoever to take the freedom of the pursuit of happiness from gays and lesbians. In addition, gay marriage doesn’t hurt anyone! It doesn’t kill anyone or make them feel unsafe, excepting homophobics. I would hope that the supreme court reads this and realizes they should do something about this.
13austin February 9, 2012 at 10:59 am
hey genius, idk if you knew this but homosexuality spreads diseases dangerous to the general public. with that being said your alleged “rights” are dangerous. goodbye rights.
14AS February 13, 2012 at 11:58 pm
Maybe you should check yourself, too. Homosexuality doesn’t spread dangerous diseases; unprotected sex with an infected person does. Granted, the homosexual community had a huge scare from HIV and AIDS in the 1980s, 90s, and still today. However, some people got infected from tainted blood transfusions that didn’t come from a homosexual at all or from sharing needles that weren’t sterilized between uses. Those three major origins of the spread of AIDS have infected nearly every demographic in the US alone. Additionally, heterosexual couples can spread STDs just as easily as homosexual couples can. Chlamydia is far more prevelent in females while Syphilis is more common in males. STDs are not sexual orientation discriminate. So, based on your claim that “dangerous” rights should be revoked, anyone infected with an STD is a danger to society and therefore has no rights. Well, what about the innocent babies that are born to HIV positive women? Some of those babies are born with HIV. They never had a chance. Does that mean that they shouldn’t have the same rights as their HIV negative siblings or friends? What about the rape victim who suddenly finds out that they have been infected with Syphilis? Have they done any wrong that should deprive them of their rights? When it comes down to it, people who become infected with an STD are victims. Yes, they should have been more careful and used a condom. You don’t revoke the rights of a stage-4 lung cancer patient because they made a choice to smoke all their life. You can’t take away the rights of anyone and everyone on the sole premise that they are are infected with a disease.
15tom March 18, 2012 at 12:39 pm
Dude you are a very big idiot retard Homosexuality has nothing to do with the spread of diseases, the HIV-AIDS came here from another country spread by a straight man. If you knew anything or knew how to do any research you would know facts before saying things you know nothing about, and further more you would also know that diseases are much higher in straight men then gay.
16Chelsey November 15, 2011 at 6:46 pm
My question for you Dre is then how many straight men have mental disorders? There are a lot of straight men that want to do almost the same thing. Some even want sodomy done to them during sexual relations. Do straight men that enjoy sodomizing women have mental disorders also?
17dave March 23, 2012 at 1:36 pm
Yes they have mental disorders too, for anyone whom willingly shmears poop anywhere on their body is a sicko.. eww, gross!
18DeMario November 16, 2011 at 7:53 pm
Homosexuality is a demonic spirit. It is a spirit that was created by Satan himself. God is a God of order and righteouness! He created Adam and Eve! A man and a woman. He did it that way so that we as human beings could reproduce and repopulate the Earth. Any same sex relationship is an unproductive relationship. Everything God created was created to PRODUCE!!! IF YOU CANNOT PRODUCE IT IS NOT WHAT GOD INTENDED!! Yes no sin is greater than the other! But there are somethings God deemed as an abomination! The bible says for mankind to lay with mankind is an abomination-Thou shalt not lay with mankind as with womankind: it is an abomination. Leviticus 18:22 So GOD IS NOT PLEASED WITH GAY RELATIONSHIPS!! SORRY!! PLEASE REPENT ACCORDING TO ACTS 2:38 AND BE DELIVERED FROM THAT FOWL SPIRIT AND YOU CAN BE SAVED!
19Chastity November 28, 2011 at 10:24 am
demonic spirit? i dont see God infecting people with demonic spirits that make them crave homosexual relations, nor do i believe that God has the same ideals for us as he had in Biblical times. The Bible says that for cheating on your husband, the woman and the man she cheated with should be stoned at the gates of the city. do you think God would have us do this today? the Bible was written by Man for Man and it was written a long time ago. you cant expect everything to be exactly to God’s liking then or now.
20Kriss January 9, 2012 at 12:52 am
Spiritually speaking, God did not infect people with demonic spirits and DeMario didnt say that he did. Satan does those things. Also God has the exact same ideals as he had before the beginning of time. He is unchanging. That was the punishment in the old testament for cheating on your spouse yes. But then Jesus came, not invalidating the Law of Moses. But making it not necessary for the punishments to still be enacted due to the fact that Jesus bore our punishments for us on the cross. God still feels the same way about the sin as he ever has though…Also on another note…Christians, true Christians don’t hate gay people, we view it as a sin, equal to any other sin in the eyes of God. But that does not mean we support it. Let me try and explain…If somebody lied, lied all the time, and said that they were telling the truth that wouldn’t change the fact that they were liars and we as Christians would not support it. In the same way just because some people incorrectly believe that they are homosexual it does not make us hate them but we will not ever support it.
21Cameron November 28, 2011 at 8:46 pm
So what about the people in the world that fall in love with someone of the opposite sex but do not wish to have children? are they just as much an “abomination” as gays? just because people choose to live their life a certain way gives you no right to patronize anyone.what if everyone in the world chose to like same sex. and YOU were weird for liking an opposite sex. put yourself in their shoes and pull your head out.
22John December 1, 2011 at 5:37 pm
Well, if everyone in the world chose to like the same sex, then humanity would perish… Although it might work on the small scale, humanity can’t continue on test-tube babies alone! But I do admit, that’s a good point about the heterosexuals who don’t want to have children. Although I still have to stick with “Demario” on this debate. Nature requires reproduction. With a completely heterosexual world, humanity would still survive. In a completely homosexual world, mankind would die out. However if you want to use the “what right do you have to say what’s natural” card, then I have two responses. If you believe in Creationism, then like “Demario” stated, it’s put quite clearly in the Bible. But if you believe in Evolution, then we share a common ancestor to the apes in the animal kingdom, and in the animal kingdom “natural” sexual intercourse is between a male and female species. I do not condemn people for being gay or lesbian, however I do not believe it to be natural. (meaning I do not believe they were born homosexual)
23Kriss January 9, 2012 at 12:54 am
if everyone in the world liked the same sex they’d breed out in one generation and the straight person wouldn’t be weird anymore:)
24Kelcie burns November 30, 2011 at 7:16 pm
Did it ever occur to you that the bible was just a made up story like superman because it’s all it sounds like to me maybe someone just needed some entertainment and decided to become obsessed like the people who are into comic books, being gay isnt something you control, a gay person can try as hard as they can to be straight but it’s never going to satify them
25MJ January 4, 2012 at 11:45 pm
Although apes are heterosexual, wolves are not always so. Wolves mate for life and often two strong women in the pack will “mate” and this is completely natural. Just some food for thought.
26christine February 9, 2012 at 10:03 pm
If the bible and Christianity are truly mythical why is it that gay people are fighting so hard to be married under a god that does not accept them? Marriage is a religious practice. I have no problem with gay people, i believe they should do what makes them happy, but as long as they continue to try and intertwine their sexual orientation with other people’s faith they will never gain acceptance. Soon we will have to choose between our religion and these people, and my choice is clear… God.
27Logan February 10, 2012 at 12:39 pm
This is a reply to Christine.
The problem is that gay people are not always trying to intertwine their sexual orientation with someone’s faith. Sure there are instances where they are, but there are many instances where they are not. Like me for example. I am atheist, I do not believe in anything, but I still want to get married. I do not see marriage as anything religious anymore. Marriage has become a legal contract, now if they adopted it from a religion originally, then so be it, that does not imply what it means today.
Marriage is an institution that is run and regulated by the U.S government, just making the argument from the U.S at the moment. Given that marriage grants more rights than a civil union, it is the preferable thing for all couples to get. Since the U.S practices freedom of religion, which does translate to freedom from religion as well, then denying marriage rights to a minority because a certain denomination of religion claims that gay marriage violates the tenets of their religion is actually a form of religious discrimination. Now in the case where religion was solely behind marriage and it was a religious contract that offered nothing more than the religious bond, and that the government ran civil contracts for all couples, removing marriage from their equation, then I would gladly support marriage staying within the religion. But as it is in the current state, so entangled into secular organizations, it is a freedom that all should have because it has partially lost it’s religious meaning.
28Sharlet November 30, 2011 at 7:29 pm
DeMario I understand in the bible this is written and I see your view point but first of all the bible has been rewritten several hundred thousand times which in my opinion makes it less reliable because of all the stuff taken out of it, so the original texts are lost to us. Secondly I find the bible is further more irrellivent in this matter or any other matter of the heart. I also think there should never be a law or regulation when it come to lovers or any love in general. And thirdly I have to ask you, who are you to judge others when others do not have the right to judge you in turn for your holier then thou, idiotic, judge mental statement . Because to me you statement not only offends me but it also disgusts as well because you think you have the right to judge others where judgement is not only unwanted but also unneeded.
I’ am also extreamly sickened by you because I’ m just as religios as you but I do not judge other nor do I proceed to not only shove my torah in your face but down your wind pipe to make you choke on it as well. So I’ d like to remind you that before you judge others not only should you research and learn more about the subject first but also look your self in the mirror and expect those who you judge to judge you in turn.
29sel December 4, 2011 at 4:26 pm
God also considers masturbation a deadly sin. Stop masturbating.
Where in the bible does it say, “homosexuals are going to hell?”
Not only that but NOWHERE in ANY bible does it talk about lesbianism. So tell me sir, is god only homophobic against gay men? Well you wouldn’t know so shut your jesus freak mouth and live and let live.
30RK January 26, 2012 at 6:22 pm
In Romans 1:26-27 it states: 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
This is clear about women having sexual relations with women, and men with men.
Many people on this site keep saying to quit judging, etc. yet they themselves speak very rudely and judgementally toward those who support the Bible and God (eg. ‘shut your jesus freak mouth and live and let live’). Wouldn’t supporting the ‘live and let live’ viewpoint entail that one would respect and avoid name-calling of those who don’t share one’s set of values?
Somethings to chew on.
31Melanie Heald February 16, 2012 at 8:55 pm
Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Romans 1:26-27 Those are a few scriptures where it talks about homosexuality. Us Christians aren’t the judges of people but God is and everyone in the end will have to stand before God and he will be judged. We just want as many people to go to Heaven as we can because we are to Love are neighbors. God wants to spend eternity with us that is why he sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for us so we could be forgiven of ours sins. Because we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. And for those of you who are Aeithist even though you might not believe in God he still believes in you and wants you to know there is hope for you after we die instead of what. That we just don’t exsist after we die because if that’s the case then what’s the point of living. Jesus loves you!
32Audrey December 5, 2011 at 9:50 am
Excuse me, but who do you think you are? Let me point a few things out to you bud. First of all the Bible was written by MEN NOT GOD. Second of all, it was translated by MEN, people who make mistakes and lie (yes, even monks and nuns lie because they are human!) For all we know the origional copies of the books of the Bible could be totally different from what we’ve heard. Am I a Christian? Yes, but I don’t believe everything I read in the Bible. Why? Because there are things in there that say things like if a woman is raped she must marry the man that raped her. Do you believe that is the way things should be? It was the LAW back then, so who’s to say that it wasn’t just some ones OPINION that gay relationships are wrong. Third of all, being gay is not a choice. Did you choose to be straight? No, you just were. Oh and saying someone is going to hell for being gay is like saying that everyone who likes the color purple is going to hell; IT DOESN”T MAKE SENSE AND IT MAKES YOU LOOK IGNORANT! Try to have a little more depth to your arguments and next time you wanna say something against the gay population post the actual verse. I don’t know what god you’re worshipping, but the God that I worship loves everyone.
33Kriss January 9, 2012 at 12:59 am
Audrey, calm down girl! God does love everyone but that doenst mean he condones what they do. Also on another note do you as a christian believe that an all powerful God would let men (measly pathetic little men) not write down exactly what he wanted them to say? think about it and get back to me
34Adam March 3, 2012 at 1:21 pm
This is a note for Kriss. I am not a very religous person, I can’t quote versus from the bible or anything of that nature but I’m sure you yourself could refer to the correct text in your bible. Your argument that an all powerful god would not let men write down anything other than what he wanted to say isn’t supported by any means. I refer to god’s greatest gift of free will, which I remind you is what allows people from other relegions to WRITE down their own religious text such as the quran. Because of free will I could edit the bible in such a way that replaced the word god for devil and vice versa, I’m not saying that I would, just that free will allows anyone to do anything they would like without fear of reprisal from god in this life.
35Deanne December 6, 2011 at 6:28 pm
you’re an f-ing rude person and u need to keep ur opinions to urself!!!!! You have no right telling that to people and if ur so agaisnt it then why the fuck are u on this site!!!!!!!!!
36Holly December 7, 2011 at 11:40 pm
DeMario, religious kooks like you are what give religious people bad names. No where, NO WHERE in the bible does it say HATE PEOPLE FOR BEING GAY. It says to treat them as anyone else and that God says it’s an abomination. That doesn’t make it true. Did he personally tell you that himself? I guarantee you’ve sinned many times. Why should gays be singled out on just this one issue? You need to learn to be open minded and to have an open-heart and treat others with respect. You acting like this is completely disrespectful to anyone who has a different opinion than yourself.
37Logan January 11, 2012 at 2:12 am
I don’t speak for the whole gay community in this message, but rather for myself, just so everyone knows.
First off, homosexuality is a natural thing in the animal kingdom, natural meaning that it does occur without some sort of other interference. Is it the predominant sexual behavior in animal species? No. Will it ever be? Maybe, but probably not. But that itself does not mean that it is not natural. And likewise in human culture, it is not the predominant nature, so it directly mirrors many animal creatures in that regard.
Also, if God is all powerful and knows everything that ever was, is, and will be, then why did he allow gay people to walk the earth? Just a question to all of you theists. Now what is the response? Is he simply testing the gay people, to see if we have the power to resist these urges, if we have the power to rid ourselves of the sin? now honestly, I don’t understand that in any way. It’s like shoving a cookie down a dog’s throat and then punishing the dog for eating the cookie.
Thirdly, I don’t understand why I would be condemned to an eternity of hell for a finite amount of time spent sinning. If you look at it logically, that doesn’t make sense. If you take the limit, mathematically speaking, then you will find that our time spent on earth accounts for 0% of our entire life. So why does that 0% of my life account for whether I spend 100% of my life in hell or 100% of my life in heaven? It’s illogical and and is simply an arbitrary decision.
Lastly, I am an atheist. I do not believe in any damn religion. And I am sorry if I come off as insincere in this part of the post. I do not care for the beliefs of Christians, or any other religions, and given that statement, I don’t care if I am going to suffer in your hell or suffer an eternity of damnation. I do not want to be saved by your religion, I do not want to revoke this sin. I want to be left alone and be allowed by a government, which under the constitution is secular, and thus has no right to prohibit marriage of any kind, to marry another gay man, when the time comes. If that is blasphemy in your mind, and if I am destroying the country, then develop another nation that is only Christian and bar out those that are not acceptable and live a happy life. Otherwise, get the fuck out of my life and I promise I will stay out of your’s.
Also sorry to Demario. Not all of this was in response to you necessarily, but the main premise was, so I went with it, because it was easier.
38Jonathan Limon January 26, 2012 at 7:58 pm
I need your help! You seem like a man with wisedom.. Email me please.
39Harmony January 26, 2012 at 9:13 pm
It’s true that homosexual people can’t reproduce with one another, but I don’t believe that it’s not what “God” wanted. Obviously, some people can’t reproduce regardless of their sexual orientation. Does it make people bad if they can’t reproduce because of a disease? I understand your religious views, and that’s your opinion, but I honestly don’t believe that if someone can’t reproduce it’s not what God intended. The bible says god loves all of his children, so he must love his gay ones as well. My knowledge of the bible is kind of rusty, since I myself, am and Atheist, but I know the basic principals. Sexual preferences are instinctive. God created instincts, right? In my opinion, people are allowed to prefer whatever you want. It’s salt to pepper, essentially.
40tanicia February 3, 2012 at 10:42 pm
hey i agree with u because i am one of those people who cant have kids because of a disease i was born with its not treatable and it sucks but i am also gay and found a women who loves me and i love her to and we found out that even though we would have to find a sperm doner we can have kids the doctor would mix our dna to form one egg we would both be the mother biologically so yes we can reproduce but did n e one ever think about all the babies out there with no one to love and care for them maybe god did put gays on earth so we could give a special litlle baby i home with a loving parents weither the parents r the same sex or not i dnt believe in god but maybe there is a higher power that put us gay people here
41JC February 9, 2012 at 2:20 am
Do you realize that in the same section of the bible he goes on to say that children who disobey their parents shall be put to death and that woman who are not virgins on their wedding day shall be dragged to her fathers house and stoned to death… now does anyone do that … maybe in the middle east but not here in the united states that was founded on the basis of being able to practice any form of religon freely and yes we can not produce children but we still can raise a child like our own just because guess what we have thousands of children here in the UNITED STATES starving on the streets and being sold because guess what people who are able to reproduce do not have the sense to raise a child … would you rather Have a child dying on the streets because its mother was a junkie who didn want them or would you rather see that same child grow up knowing they are love and feed and taken care of so they can go on and live their lives and contribute to society. Now I am sure you will pull some bible line out your ass but I love god and I love men no where in the bible does it say i need to choose so if you are to blind or ignorant to see whats in front of you i pitty you for your stupidity now go on to church and pray your local preist is not in the back with the alter boy …..
42JC February 15, 2012 at 9:25 pm
I have had a lifetime of being chassed down by bible thumping people so I am sorry if I do not put much faith in any form of church/organized religion. I know there is a god there is no need for me to go to church to be closer to him. Sorry if i stepped on anyones toes about this but I just think its is absolute bullshit that the catholic church and condem me but the preists that mollest people uhum (ME) so i am sorry if i stepped on any catholic douche bags with what I have said I learned the hard way the “MEN” of god are not perfect and some are even more evil then being homosexual. because when someone who is scarred about being gay who goes to a preist to see how he feels and have that happen to me is enough to say FUCK THE CATHOLIC CHURCH and all who defend these sad excuses for men
43Melanie Heald February 16, 2012 at 9:02 pm
We have to remember that in the Old Testament before Jesus came to earth to die for our sins the people were to carry out the punishment but in the New Testament of the Bible Jesus died for our sins so that we wouldn’t have to. Because we all are sinners and fall short of the Glory of God.
44AS February 14, 2012 at 12:14 am
Okay, all your hateful rhetoric aside, I just have two points to make.
1. If God created everything with the ability to produce, then why do infertile females and males exist? And, if the sole purpose of marriage is to have couples produce children, then why do some couples never have or can’t have childre, and why are post-menapausal women allowed to remain married? They can no longer produce children, and they aren’t caring for their children as a provider anymore.
2. As long as you are quoting the Bible, how’s this: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” I Corinthians 13:4-8 NIV. Now, in my education, which was ten years of Christian education, mind you, I was taught that “love” could be replaced with “God.” How can a God that embodies everything good and decent and proper and, well, LOVING condemn someone on who they chose to love, someone that God enabled them to love. “So God created man in his own image…and he saw that it was very good.” Genesis 1:27, 31 NIV. Every human being came from Adam and Eve, and thus, every human being is created in God’s image, and they are good. How then can a homosexual man or woman be an “abomination” if they are in God’s image? Just like any heterosexual, a homosexual can cheat on his or her partner or have a life-long, committed relationship filled with love and respect. In the end, we are all just people, and we don’t have a right to judge others. Jesus said, “You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” Matthew 7:5 NIV.
45Judy MacDonnell February 14, 2012 at 6:01 pm
Dear Author AS,
As a Christian, I apologise for all the “hateful rhetoric”. I agree with you that this is unacceptable. I also agree with all the Scripture you’ve quoted. God loves EVERYONE unconditionally. When He created the world, everything WAS good. Unfortunately we’ve been degenerating ever since, and ALL of us are flawed. I am ashamed on behalf of those Christians who self-righteously shout down another person, when each of us is damaged. That is why God says “judge not, that you be not judged,” and “as you judge, so shall you be judged”. He is the only one who has all the facts on each individual and knows exactly how they tick. How we are now is not His ideal for any of us. This is why I have a “personal” and a “relational” view on homosexuality.
Homosexuality is not God’s ideal for His children; He has made that plain. However there are many other things which are not in His plan for us, either, and He has made those things plain also! ALL of us fall down on at least one of these. Hence the inherent difficulty in pointing fingers at other people. Flaws are intrinsic to the current human race – not God’s original intention at all. He created us “good” but now we are anything but. Evil is in all of us. There is a terrific battle in the spiritual world over every one of us.
So fellow Christians, please lay off. We don’t have a mandate to judge, particularly non-believers. We only have a mandate to LOVE! We’re told the mechanisms for managing our churches, NOT trying to manage those outside the church (go to your fellow Christian in love and discuss the problem, then bring a few elders, lastly assemble the whole church if none of these measures encourages the member away from the undesirable behaviour).
One day soon God will come to judge everyone. In the meantime let’s get on with what He commanded us to do – love one another.
46Abigail February 15, 2012 at 2:16 am
DeMario, a demonic spirit??? Really? First of, i don’t think your ‘God’ would approve of you judging others, considering you’re not God and he has the only power to judge who HE created. Luke 6:37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” People like you are the reason gay rights are so controversial. If no gay person came onto you whats the problem? Them being gay does nothing to you, so like God said DON’T JUDGE. And I’m sure that if Satan created gays, he did it because stupid people like you would react and cause problems.
47Satan February 27, 2012 at 1:29 pm
I did not infect you guys with demonic spirits. I wouldn’t waste my time on that.
48Kita November 18, 2011 at 6:32 am
Though we all are allowed to have our own opinions, I will respect your opinion but I will say that many always voice about things they do not understand and have never taken the time to try and understand. Please know that understanding something does not mean you have to accept it but it would be nice to try to understand and show some respect. If you had a child that had autism and the kids teased him because he was different from them. Because they have not been educated about his condition they do not understand why he is different. But had they been educated on it then they would treat him differently. It don’t mean they had to be friends with him but they would not treat him as if he is a alien or virus because he is different. Do you understand what I am trying to say? Lack of understanding shows ones ignorance and lack of knowledge.
49Audrey December 5, 2011 at 9:51 am
50Zachary15 December 19, 2011 at 3:56 pm
If it’s a mental disorder (which it’s not) then half of my high school is composed of mentally ill people.
51Kriss January 9, 2012 at 1:00 am
I’m sorry to hear that
52damon laru January 27, 2012 at 11:09 am
homosexuality is no a freekan mental disorder u dumbass. learn facts before u dis someone. it is not a choice and btw i hate people like u dre.
53Peter K. Vine January 29, 2012 at 7:37 pm
Let me pose you a hypothetical question, damon.
My cousin, who we shall call Mary, has never been disciplined by her parents. Ever. They have given her everything she has ever asked for, even when after she receives it she tells them she didn’t really want it. Their way of calming her down was to force her to take behavioral medicine to stay calm. When her brother came into her family (we’ll call him John) and my dad asked my aunt what prompted the choice to conceive a second child, he was answered with: “I wanted to show I could raise a child right.”
Mary goes to college, hating her parents. She gets back at them by destroying herself to ruin their reputations- she changes majors more times than she changes clothes, she takes up expensive hobbies that go nowhere, and she falls into a bad crowd. She finally one day announces that she isn’t just gay, oh no- she’s undergone a gender change, and demands people call her Mack from now on. 25 years after she was born, right when the issue is popping up in the media.
Does this sound like a healthy, biologically-born homosexual with a clear conscience to you? Because it doesn’t to me. And, btw? Yes, this is a true story.
I have no doubt there ARE homosexuals who are born that way, and who are stable. Bully for them. But until I know, beyond peoples’ own words and claims and promises, that they truly were born that way, I will NEVER support the idea of homosexuals being recognized as a minority, because granting minority privileges to psychologically disturbed seems to me like the greatest abuse of freedom we could possibly give.
I don’t believe for a second that all those metrosexuals in Hollywood were really all born that way, and aren’t just jumping on a controversy bandwagon.
54Logan January 30, 2012 at 2:41 pm
Here is another hypothetical Peter.
Let’s just assume that pretty much everything you said above is the same for a person named Bob. He got everything he wanted, he was always blessed by his parents and spoiled. There was nothing bad that ever happened to him. He had a nice girlfriend that he loved very much, and everything was perfect.
One day, Bob snaps randomly. He goes to school the next day and kills students. “Does this sound like a healthy, biologically-born [heterosexual] with a clear conscience to you?” To me it does not. So would this be a good case for one to argue that all heterosexuals are “psychologically disturbed”? No, it is an ad hoc example of one that you are generalizing for the rest of the gay community.
People who are psychologically unhealthy are not restricted to one sexual orientation, nor is that whole orientation psychologically unhealthy. That’s the equivalent of saying a particular race, all of them, like a certain type of food, or all have one particular disease, which is an erroneous claim. Citing one example of a person who you find flawed does not mean that the rest of that group is flawed. (And by the way, to any other readers, I do think that sex changes are psychologically healthy for people, and support their decision to do so).
Homosexuals are not “psychologically disturbed”; they are like every other person, they just like the same gender as themselves.
55Peter K. Vine January 30, 2012 at 4:51 pm
You are, of course, absolutely right, Logan: what happens to one person cannot be an example of all people who share a common association with him/her. The point I was making, however, is that if ONE person exists who has an unstable psychological profile can simply be gay by calling herself gay, it is possible for anyone else (NOTE: NOT everyone else) who shares any of her qualities, including being psychologically unbalanced- and I have no intention of giving those sorts of liars and nutcases any political quarter as being part of a minority group.
In terms of changing sex simply by choice, I find that to be a major contradiction with the widely toted proclamation that gays are “born that way.” Not only that, it also means that ANYone, at any time, could switch gender attractions and gain minority privileges. The whole concept seems to me to be in bad taste, in a number of ways, and extremely disingenuous when compared to the people who really WERE born that way, and who endured the uncomfortable path of growing up as such.
56GayPeopleAreAwesome January 20, 2011 at 2:08 pm
Thanks for the FActs! I need this for my essay!!! woot woot!
57yay yay May 20, 2011 at 3:28 pm
lol so do i
58Alexis November 2, 2011 at 9:22 am
Big help.! Making a very detailed editorial on how gay marriage is not a abomination. (:
59GayBoy101 December 12, 2011 at 11:58 am
Intriguing. Now that I can finally complete my essay. Oh wait, theres more. Think on this.
It is said in many arguments that because a child grows up with gay or lesbian parents their sexuality is already decided, but if this was true then there wouldn’t be any gays or lesbians because we all came from a man and a woman. If you think on this and date it back it will make sense. We live in an ever-changing world and not everything is going to stay the same. The languages that we have all come to know are always changing to adapt to the “speech of the day” so to speak. So it would make sense that people are “seeking new horizons.” Hope this helped the argument any.
60ShayRanae November 27, 2011 at 10:03 pm
Agreed! I’m giving an argumentative speech as a group with two friends and these facts have helped with my main points sooo much!
61Deanne December 6, 2011 at 6:30 pm
62cathy February 23, 2012 at 4:55 pm
lol me too the crap pp put on here. seriously..?! god said to not judge anyone! its not a sin, its a freaking miracle!
63Alice in Wonderland February 22, 2011 at 12:31 pm
64Matt March 29, 2011 at 7:31 pm
The bible also tells us that lying and adultery is wrong. There are no big sins and small sins. A man having a relationship with a man is just as bad as telling a lie. When you left your comment, you put “Alice in Wonderland” in the box that asked for your name. You lied. That’s just as bad as homosexuality. You base your beliefs on what is written in a book that no one can prove creditable. I’m not saying that is wrong, but it’s not right to expect other people to drop their values and let you take their rights away because you think they’re wrong.
65Celine April 4, 2011 at 4:44 pm
Mark you said exactly what was on my mind!:) People make such a big deal of gay marriage and make it seem so wrong but when you lie, cheat, steal, curse… those are all sins but you don’t see anyone picketing those sins. Its also a sin to worship any other god….. yet… we who believe in Jesus and the all mighty god….. we dont hold up picket signs for budists and muslims…
66Kate April 4, 2011 at 10:04 pm
I sooooo agree with matt! you know not too long ago people believed it was unnatural or perverted for blacks and whites to marry and now its completely legal. its ironic how people were able to accept that and not accept gays..why are people so interested in trying to make gays lives miserable by telling them who they can or can not love?
67daniella April 14, 2011 at 7:20 pm
i agree with everyone from matt below
and u also have to realize
just because they love someone of the same sex does not mean they are in human
homosexuals, homophobes, homosapiens, we are really all homos in the end
so u can do one of two things
accept your fellow human as they are
or stay out of their life
its not ur right to be nosy and get into ones life and tell them who they can and/or can not love
68Zachary15 December 12, 2011 at 12:03 pm
And its only a matter of time before gays and lesbians will be given a whole new ability, Marriage. It is just a guessing game, and people like me are just pawns in this sinister world. Some day, maybe not tomorrow maybe not next century, but some day our rights will be given to us.
69LD June 7, 2011 at 6:43 pm
I like when you say Lying is as bad as homosexuality. You recognized at least that homosexuality is bad.
70Ash July 6, 2011 at 1:15 pm
He only said it was wrong according to one set of text. The problem with basing an argument on any religious text is that it will hold no weight to a large number of people.
Anyway, people have been quoting biblical text to prove their points forever [my favorite two examples being Satin and Hitler].
The Bible also says don’t wear cloths of mixed fibers, touch pig skin, cut your hair, and that rape is acceptable as long as the rapist pays the woman’s father some silver pieces.
Just saying – it’s far too easy to manipulate the words in the Bible for whatever you want to prove.
71Joe November 13, 2011 at 11:17 am
Most of your statements from the Bible are taking out of context or are misinterpreted. All of those dumb rules you posted from the Bible, were of Mosaic Law which doesn’t apply anymore now that Jesus has come to save the world. There is a difference between the Mosaic Law, and the eternal laws of God. It is clearly an abomination (as it is written) according to the Bible. However, to someone who doesn’t believe in the word of God, there is no use quoting the Bible, but rather showing them their general sins and their need for a savior.
Also, a point to think about. Should we all just do something if it feels right or feels good? And should we all just assume something is ok if enough humans decide it is? Who decides what is right or wrong?
72Carol December 2, 2011 at 12:47 am
Your beliefs and whatever says in the Bilble should not be a reference to the rest of the population.
What happened with religion freedom and basic human rights????
73Paige April 5, 2011 at 5:12 pm
If you’re going to argue about the Bible go to the story of Creation and take some religion classes. God made everybody and loves everybody no matter how they act or what choices they make. If what I’ve learned throughout 9 years of catholic school is true, God made gays and loves them just as much as you and all the other people who are against gays. Also, homosexuality is not a choice. There is a part of your brain that tells you whether you like boys, girls, or both genders. Homosexuality may be repulsive to you but heterosexuality may be repulsive to gays. You shouldn’t be mean to people about their sexual orientation, I’m almost positive that that is also against what it says in the Bible.
74Matt April 5, 2011 at 8:30 pm
Thank you Paige. I don’t know the Bible as well as some people, but I know that God wouldn’t create homosexuals just so they can be social outcasts. I’m gay, and I agree, it’s not a choice. Who in their right mind would CHOOSE to be gay? You’re denied marriage in most states, you pray to God that your family and friends will accept you, and it’s something I personally have to worry about at work because in my little Texas town someone may not want to promote me because they’re not comfortable with gays.
75Eric April 10, 2011 at 11:24 pm
Hello Matt. I’m guessing that your name may be Matthew which means ” Gift from God”. It’s an excellent name. I understand you’re point totally. However, some of us believe the bible 100 percent. We don’t pick and choose to highlight only the sin of homosexuality. However, the sin of homosexuality is the focus of this web page. Some believe that homosexuality is not a choice but an orientation from birth. I know that is not true. However, for sake of argument, Jesus specifically told us to be “Born Again”. Being Born Again negates the sinful nature that we were born with. Jesus also told us to Deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow Him. So, our personal desires and natures should never override the will of God. However,That only applies to those of us who truly want God’s will to override our own.
76Craig April 11, 2011 at 11:54 am
Actually Eric, the focus of this web page is not the sin of homosexuality. The purpose of this web page is for people to find out what, legally, is going on around the country for the GLBT community. If you are a friend or foe we welcome you but please don’t mistake the purpose of the website. You can take your issue to church with you and discuss it from the comfort of a hard wooden pew as we’ve all heard it before.
77Matt April 11, 2011 at 1:36 pm
I’m not well read in religious history but I think that Jesus defied his own religion for what he believed in. Also, the people who killed him were forgiven for crucifying him so I believe that people will be forgiven for the nonviolent act of being homosexual. Eric, you seem like a pretty reasonable guy and I respect you for being dedicated to your belief. Everybody has a right to believe what they choose to. We both agree that homosexuals are born gay. This is evident from you referring to homosexuality as “the sinful nature that we were born with.” However, I don’t believe it’s fair or possible for us to have to change this nature that is so deep-rooted and feels so right, but it’s neither here nor there, people will always have something to disagree about. That doesn’t mean we have to be uncivil or step on others beliefs (I don’t believe you have, nor do I intend to). Thank you for your kind and civil comment, I’m extremely stressed today and taking a few minutes to reply to your comment and just knowing that there are reasonable people of faith is calming. Yes, my name is Matthew, but I don’t feel comfortable being thought of as a gift from God. I’m not that special, just a guy doing his best to determine what I believe and how I want to live my life, so I use Matt to shorten the meaning to “gift.” : ) Not a big gift or a small gift, just someone people like to be around.
78Elizabeth July 3, 2011 at 1:18 pm
Ok I know I am a little late to respond to this post, but you are totally wrong if you think being gay is a choice by people. My brother struggled for many years trying to act straight through high school and he was still bullied because he didn’t do sports or do drugs like the rest of the guys in our school. He was not able to come out until his sophomore year in college. He can not chose to like women or men. He was born gay and if you really think that someone can just turn it off you are totally wrong. If you could walk a day in a homosexuals shoes for a day you would not even know how to respond to the ignorant people like your self. They are still bullied and called names no matter where they go. If it was so wrong to be gay then why were so many people created that way? The bible says we are created in the Lords image and if so many people are born that way doesnt that show that he has traits of being gay or lesbien or a transexual. God would not let so many people be created this way if it was wrong. Have you ever once thought how many gays wished they were straight so they were not bullied in life? They do not wake up every morning and say im going to act gay so people can yell biligerant words at me all day, so i feel belittled and worthless. No they dont.
79Ana October 14, 2011 at 4:18 pm
I hope people consider there are several interpretations of God and the entities will in various texts. My argument here is that persons follow that will, but are not prescribed to attack those who don’t. As far as I’m concerned, it is love and prayer that helps ‘save souls’ not ‘throwing stones’ such as attempting to deny homosexuals the right to create a union that is only theirs, denying the recognition of that union, or health benefits in compensation for their work. I, for one, don’t center my focus on one text, but recognize the existence of many and correlate the trends of the development of cultures around the world. How can anyone say they understand the world when they continue to attack one another or when they refuse to explore its vast institutions?
80sel December 4, 2011 at 4:35 pm
Jesus didn’t tell you anything. We have no direct quotes from jesus unless you have personally befriended him. All the bible is is words. written by people long, long… long ago. For all we know these people could have had Hitler like mentalities and created this to control people. I believe religion is the reason the world is in such conflict. Religion just turns everyone against each other. I really don’t understand what makes people believe in something so abstract. Yes I believe you should do what you want as long as it makes you happy.
81Audrey December 5, 2011 at 12:56 pm
You can get rid of your want for money, you can change what colors you like, what career you want but you cannot change your sexuality and to try to do so would only cause misery.
82Allison December 6, 2011 at 1:09 pm
If all your arguments against gay marriage are based on the bible then why is it ok for people who are not religious or who are say buddhist to get married. I mean if you only want christian bible loving man and woman marriages then that is only a very small part of the population… You have so many fallacies in your argument it is actually kind of funny! :)
83Eli April 11, 2011 at 3:37 pm
Just wondering, where in the bible does it say that liking one of the same gender or both is bad?
84LD May 5, 2011 at 2:40 am
Leviticus 20:13
85Alan June 20, 2011 at 11:16 pm
Eli, I can’t seem to reply to LD, so I’ll reply to you. LD cites Lev. 20:13, which is really a repeat of Lev. 18:22, but with the death penalty added (interesting that LD chose the more deadly passage!). Written in an ancient Hebrew that is difficult to translate, even for Hebrew scholars, it seems the passage may be prohibiting two men having sex in a woman’s bed, or perhaps against having sex as part of a pagan ritual. Just knowing these are possibilities makes it necessary to exclude the passage as definitively prohibiting homosexuality per se. Plus, as others point out (below), you can’t hang on to one of the laws in Lev. and ignore others — there are many that people don’t follow today, so none of them can be considered binding, except perhaps to orthodox Jews.
86Pherris May 15, 2011 at 11:32 pm
a priest in my town said that if they truely loved one and other they’d choose not to act on their wants. thaqt their eternal soul is worth more. i think it’s a crock of shit. in the book leviticus it says you may not lay with the same sex but it also says you cannot eat pork, lie, and that you can stone your neighbour to death if he works on sunday. so there. if your going to hold the homosexual statement then you have to hold the rest as being right. but most of the bible is taken as a grain of salt. i suggest you take that statement as well :)
87Karen November 19, 2011 at 11:27 am
So, I know you had this conversation months ago, but I came across it today. I know the Bible well, and I have to tell you, GOD LOVES EVERYONE! The purpose of Christ was to abolish the laws of the old testament. If one believes in Christ, seeks God’s will, and repents of sins (I’m not saying homosexuality is a sin), then they are going to heaven. John 3:16, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that WHO SO EVER believes on him, shall not perish but have ever lasting life. My heart hurts so bad for anyone who has experienced religious persecution over how they were created. Never blame
God for the stupidity of man, God is LOVE , God loves you , and he desperately wants to have a relationship with all of us, after all ,he created ALL of us.
88Ashley Holland June 29, 2011 at 1:05 pm
Hey was born with my family’s religion but dont mean i believe in everything i was taugh while i was growning that iam older and i see threw my own eyes then just the eyes that people told me to look through i see that we or the gov. shouldnt have the right to tell people who they should and should not love..the Bible is collections of stories not all of it should be taken literal but as a view point were you belife comes from.
89Bill July 2, 2011 at 12:46 am
hii matt i am also not a seeker in religion issues, but when u see the hole universe how is created there is a compound of creatures, tests are being on animals to make them homo the same sex, why we dont find in animals the homo, animals abuse it !!! they are created like, but we changed our self.
would imagine if all world is gay now what will happen think about it, then jesus what will say will he approve it, i dont think,
another one thing, if homo is a normal thing why god just created adam and eve and got married, why god didn;t create like joe and jade and got married its a complex creation system we cannot know the results it now, and do u see that from the begining of the world, the gay movement is spreading, not becuase they are right but we are dealing with our selves wrong and with lall life
90Audrey December 5, 2011 at 1:04 pm
I understand that this is what you grew up beleiving, but there are animals that are homosexual i.e. the bottle nosed dolphin. if it happens in nature then why isn’t it okay for it to happen in humans?
91Brii September 7, 2011 at 11:43 am
Everyone is still deciding whether or not their for or against homosexualism. Where it is their choice to decide for themselves, people who are against it should just keep it to themselves. I think it’s very discouraging to tell someone their wrong for their supposed “choice” in homosexualism. It isn’t a choice, it’s something that people have tried to explain but that’s another argumentative case in itself. Yes, the Bible does state that homosexualism is a sin, but how many times have they changed the Bible? Not that i’m second guessing the Bible, because I’m Catholic myself. You can’t force someone to be a heterosexual. It’s THEIR choice, not theirs.
92Eli April 10, 2011 at 1:51 pm
Well said. I completely agree with you, even though I am Heterosexual.
93LD June 22, 2011 at 7:22 pm
Alan, I do believe that the Bible is very clear! “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them.” Leviticus 20:13.
94Alan June 22, 2011 at 11:04 pm
No, it is only clear if you insist on reading English translations and ignore the multiple possibilities for translating the original Hebrew — check with some Hebrew scholars as to what the original Hebrew MIGHT be saying. You have chosen to only read the English translation that agrees with your position, while ignoring other possibilities that are equally legitimate translations. Plus, what about the question of saying that we MUST obey this law, but we can ignore a lot of the others?
95Alan June 22, 2011 at 11:09 pm
No, LD, any one English translation is clear in and of itself, but you must realize that the original Hebrew is not clear, and allows for multiple possibilities when being translated into English. You have chosen to read only the translation that agrees with your position while ignoring orther possibiities. And what about the whole question that we MUST adhere to this one law, while ignoring others? If you set aside even one of the 613 laws of the Holiness Code, you must be willing to set aside any and all of them.
96Alan June 22, 2011 at 11:15 pm
Sorry about the double submission…it didn’t look like the first one went through!
97sara October 30, 2011 at 9:07 pm
what if your best friend came to you, telling you that they are gay? would you follow the bible and kill them? would u honestly do that? and if you went to court for that and ur only explanaion was that the bible told you too. they would laugh at u and stick you in jail for the rest of your life. t
98Kris May 12, 2011 at 6:48 pm
99LD June 23, 2011 at 4:54 pm
Alan, what does Leviticus 20:13 mean if you consider the original Hebrew version? Can you please give me some of the possibilities when translating the Hebrew version into English?
100Alan June 24, 2011 at 12:23 am
I’ll start by apologizing for the length of this response, but dealing with translating this bit of Hebrew into English gets a bit messy. The literal translation of the original Hebrew that I’ve seen is “and with a male you shall not lay lyings of a woman.” The first problem comes with making it make sense in English, which can only be done by inserting words – there’s nothing in the Hebrew that dictates what words have to be inserted for the best translation. Two possibilities are: “you shall not lay AS THE lyings of a woman” or “you shall not lay IN THE lyings of a woman.” The first deals with how (as you would with a woman) while the second deals with where. This is coupled with the problem of what is meant by “lyings” – does it mean in the way you would lie with a woman, or does it mean the bed of a woman, once again making it a question of how versus where. Then we have the specific Hebrew words used for “woman” and “male.” The Hebrew used for “woman” is typically used to refer to “married woman,” which means it might be a prohibition against defiling a marriage bed. It might also be suggesting, “don’t have sex with a male in YOUR wife’s bed” which would make it a prohibition against adultery, even though the sex is male-male. The Hebrew word used for “male” can be translated as “temple prostitute” or, that is, a male who participates in sex in pagan temples, which was part of Canaanite practice – so, this could be yet one more prohibition against “doing things the Canaanites do,” which is found throughout Hebrew law. It’s been pointed out that every word in each law is intended to mean something and, if it were supposed to be strictly a prohibition against homosexuality it would simply say, “You shall not lie with another male.” – the addition of “lyings of a woman” tells us this is supposed to mean something particular and specific, which is part of what gets people’s heads scratching. So, with all of that potential confusion, it’s simply not clear what the law is supposed to mean, and it should be set aside as a definitive prohibition against homosexuality.
101bernadette November 1, 2011 at 9:44 pm
i think that if you’ve ever read the bible you would remember that god is completely against the acts of homosexuals. it isn’t a sin to be gay, but to act upon that feeling is a sin. god destroyed every person but noah’s family in his time because they were all wicked and committing sins (mostly homesexualism), also, he destroyed soddom and gomorah because of this as well. i am not against gays, just against their sexual acts. and if you were wondering, yes i am catholic.
102Joe November 22, 2011 at 10:32 am
Love the sinner hate the sin (Lev. 18:22). Also, Just because your brain tells you to do something doesn’t make it right. Self-Pleasure isn’t always the best choice.
103Audrey December 5, 2011 at 1:08 pm
It’s not your brain, it’s your heart.
104Karina December 4, 2011 at 9:41 pm
Thank you Paige. I appreciate your comment very much, as it coincided with my beliefs not to long ago. As it is, I now proudly label myself as an agnostic progressive christian. It’s a long story, but that’s besides the point. Basically, I believe that if there is a God, he loves everyone, no matter what, age, gender, race, religion, or sexuality, it doesn’t matter to him. PLUS, it also says in the bible, that we here on earth have not the power nor the authority to judge our fellow humans, but that that power rests explicitly with God. I am proud to say I am bi-sexual, and am in love with the most amazing girl I’ve ever met. It absolutely devastates me that our relationship is looked down upon and seen as an abomination. Why is it so wrong for us to be together? I want to spend the rest of my life with her. And I would appreciate it very much if no one tried to pull that ‘Homosexuality is a mental disorder’ crap with me because I suffer from an anxiety disorder as well as depression, and my girlfriend may suffer from a number of things, including depression or even bi-polar disorder (she is just now receiving therapy and has not been properly diagnosed yet) . Not to mention my brother has ADHD and her brother is autistic. Those are mental disorders, homosexuality is not.
105jbgirl February 14, 2012 at 9:24 pm
because they didn’t listen to God they listened to the devil!!!
106Audrey December 5, 2011 at 12:53 pm
If God didn’t want gays, he wouldn’t have created them/
107MT April 6, 2011 at 1:12 am
just because it says so in the bible doesnt mean its right, the definition of marrige has changed since, and just because they like the same sex doesnt mean they are “messed up in the head” how would u feel if people said u were messed up for loving who u love. think about it
108LD June 7, 2011 at 12:52 pm
If you don’t believe in what the Bible says, but at least you can see clearly that the one who created humans provided two compatible sex. A male sex and a female sex that were intended to put together.
109Cassandra June 17, 2011 at 9:52 pm
I’m not gay or anything, but I believe that you should be able to love who ever you want too, which means marry who ever you want to man-man marriage, woman-woman marriage, or man-woman marriage. God don’t judge people, and you shouldn’t either. This world is changing like it or not. I believe in God, but this bible nosense needs to stop. Just cause they are gay, don’t make them any different of a person. It don’t change who they are. Why don’t you get to no someone who is gay? Find out who they are before you judge them. Because, most likely you no someone who is, they are just to afraid to come out to tell you. I respect all you people who are gay and were strong enough to come out and tell everyone that you were gay. Your helping change this world one person at a time. Because, once I did believe it was wrong. Then, I found out that my sister was gay. I chose to stick by her, because I love her no matter what and alway will. That’s why I support the gay community.
110LD June 22, 2011 at 7:12 pm
If somebody says that “gay marriage is wrong” it does not mean that he does not love gay people or he is judging

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